How long can you keep Worcestershire sauce?
You probably have a bottle of Worcestershire sauce in your pantry or fridge.
But you’re likely wondering how long does it last, what’s the shelf life and how long before it goes bad after opening?
The answer to this question depends on where you store your Worcestershire sauce and how it’s sealed.

Unopened and properly stored Worcestershire sauce should last for up to 3 years. It can last even longer if it’s sealed airtight and stored in a cool place. Once opened, it should last for 1 year in the pantry and 3 years in the refrigerator.
To make sure your Worcestershire sauce is still good, you can check its color, texture and smell. If it has a sour or off odor, strange color or clumpy consistency, discard it immediately.
Keep reading to find out how to store Worcestershire sauce, how long it lasts and what you can expect when it spoils.

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Read for freeIn this post we'll cover:
- 1 What is the shelf life of Worcestershire sauce?
- 2 How should I store Worcestershire sauce?
- 3 Is Worcestershire sauce supposed to be refrigerated after opening?
- 4 Is Worcestershire sauce ok after the expiration date?
- 5 Does unopened Worcestershire sauce expire?
- 6 Can I use old Worcestershire sauce?
- 7 How can you tell if Worcestershire sauce is bad?
- 8 Conclusion
What is the shelf life of Worcestershire sauce?
Worcestershire sauce is one the condiments with a long shelf life. Since it’s fermented and has a high amount of vinegar, this sauce can last for up to three years.
- unopened Worcestershire sauce lasts 3 years or more
- opened Worcestershire sauce lasts for 1 year in the pantry
- opened Worcestershire sauce lasts for 3 years in the fridge
The shelf life of Worcestershire sauce depends on where you store it and how it’s sealed.
If the bottle is unopened and properly stored, Worcestershire sauce lasts up to 3 years in the pantry or store shelf.
Worcestershire can last even longer if it’s sealed airtight and stored in a cool place.
Once opened, it should last for 1 year in the pantry in a cool dark place and 3 years in the refrigerator.
Many cultures have fermented foods in their cuisine, find the Top Fermented Foods List here (+ Benefits of Eating Fermented foods)
How should I store Worcestershire sauce?
To ensure the longest shelf life and best quality of Worcestershire sauce, it’s important to store it correctly.
Always keep the bottle closed and in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. This helps to ensure that the sauce won’t become spoiled due to heat or light.
If you’re storing your sauce for more than a month, it’s best to store it in the refrigerator. This will help to preserve its flavor and quality for longer.
Is Worcestershire sauce supposed to be refrigerated after opening?
It is not necessary to refrigerate Worcestershire sauce after opening. If you’re going to use up the bottle in a short time, you can safely keep it in the pantry.
However, if you want to preserve the quality of your sauce for longer, then it’s best to store it in the refrigerator.
This helps to slow down the oxidation process and prevent spoilage from occurring.
It is also important to note that once the bottle is opened, the sauce should be used within a year.
If it has been stored longer than this, discard it and get a new bottle because you want it to taste umami and not sour.
Above all, it is important to pay attention to the color, texture, and smell of the Worcestershire sauce.
Is Worcestershire sauce ok after the expiration date?
Ideally, it is best to use Worcestershire sauce within its expiration date.
After the expiration date has passed, the quality of the sauce may not be as good and can potentially be unsafe to consume.
That said, it is important to note that the expiration date isn’t a guarantee that the sauce has gone bad. If it still looks, smells and tastes normal, then it should be safe to consume.
Worcestershire sauce doesn’t really have a set expiration date, it ultimately depends on how you store it and for how long.
Does unopened Worcestershire sauce expire?
Yes, unopened Worcestershire sauce does expire. The shelf life of an unopened bottle of Worcestershire sauce is up to 3 years.
However, it can last longer if stored correctly in a cool and dark place away from direct sunlight.
It’s also important to note that you can probably still safely consume unopened expired Worcestershire sauce, but the quality may have been affected and it will not taste as good.
Therefore, it is best to replace expired Worcestershire sauce after the expiration date. After all, you want your food to taste delicious!
Can I use old Worcestershire sauce?
It is not recommended to use old Worcestershire sauce. The flavor and quality of the sauce will have deteriorated and it may even be unsafe to consume.
Although Worcestershire sauce is a fermented product, it is still susceptible to spoilage and bacteria growth.
Therefore, it is best to discard any old Worcestershire sauce that has been stored for a long time and get a new bottle.
This will ensure that your food tastes great and is safe to consume.
How can you tell if Worcestershire sauce is bad?
It is usually easy to tell if Worcestershire sauce has gone bad.
It will have a discolored, dark or murky appearance and may even have a sour smell.
Additionally, the taste will be very different from what it should be – it will taste sour instead of salty and umami.
To taste test, take a small spoonful of the sauce and let it sit on your tongue. If it tastes sour or off, then the sauce has likely spoiled and you should avoid ingesting it.
Worcestershire sauce can last up to 3 years unopened, but it’s best to use it before its expiration date. Once opened, it should be used within a year and stored in the refrigerator.
It is not recommended to use old Worcestershire sauce as the flavor and quality will have deteriorated. If it has been stored for a long time, discard it and get a new bottle.
To tell if Worcestershire sauce is bad, look for a discolored, dark or murky appearance and a sour smell.
Luckily, Worcestershire sauce is one of the condiments that lasts for years if stored correctly, so it’s easy to find and enjoy its characteristic flavor.
Can’t use that old bottle of Worcestershire sauce anymore? These are the 13 Best Worcestershire sauce substitutes
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Read for freeJoost Nusselder, the founder of Bite My Bun is a content marketer, dad and loves trying out new food with Japanese food at the heart of his passion, and together with his team he's been creating in-depth blog articles since 2016 to help loyal readers with recipes and cooking tips.