Konacha: An In-Depth Look at the Japanese Tea Variety

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Konacha (粉茶, powder tea) is a type of green tea, composed of the dust, tea buds and small leaves that are left behind after processing Gyokuro or Sencha. Konacha is cheaper than Sencha and is often served at sushi restaurants. It is also marketed as Gyokurokonacha (玉露粉茶).

Konacha has a strong flavor and is therefore good for use in cooking.

Let’s look at everything you need to know about this unique tea.

What is konache

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Is Konacha Worth the Hype?

Konacha, the smaller, fine bits of green tea leaves, is often considered a cheaper alternative to its more expensive counterparts like gyokuro and matcha. But don’t let the lower price tag fool you; konacha can still pack a punch in terms of flavor and quality, depending on where it’s sourced from. While it may not be as delicate as some higher-end teas, it’s still a pretty good option for those looking to enjoy a strong, Japanese-style green tea without breaking the bank.

  • Strong, bold flavor
  • Slightly lower quality compared to gyokuro and matcha
  • Cheaper alternative without sacrificing too much taste

Preparing and Serving: Easy as 1-2-3

One of the great things about konacha is how easy it is to prepare. All you need is a mesh tea strainer, hot water, and of course, the tea itself. Simply add the konacha to the strainer, pour hot water over it, and let it steep for a short time. The small size of the tea bits allows for a quick and strong infusion, making it perfect for those who prefer a more robust flavor.

  • Quick and easy preparation
  • Strong infusion due to small tea bits
  • Ideal for those who prefer a robust flavor

Where to Find the Best Konacha

As with any tea, the quality of konacha can vary greatly depending on where it’s sourced from. To ensure you’re getting the best product, it’s worth doing a bit of research and finding a reputable seller, preferably one that sources their tea directly from Japan. Many online tea shops offer a wide selection of konacha, so you can choose the one that best suits your taste preferences and budget.

  • Quality varies depending on the source
  • Look for reputable sellers that source directly from Japan
  • Online tea shops offer a wide selection to choose from

Konacha in Restaurants: A Staple Green Tea

If you’ve ever dined at a Japanese restaurant, chances are you’ve been served konacha without even realizing it. Due to its lower cost and strong flavor, it’s a popular choice for restaurants to serve with meals. So, if you’ve enjoyed the green tea at your local sushi joint, you’ve probably already experienced the bold taste of konacha.

  • Commonly served in Japanese restaurants
  • Lower cost makes it a popular choice for businesses
  • Bold flavor pairs well with meals

Unraveling the Mystery of Konacha

Konacha, a type of green tea, is composed of small tea leaves and buds that are left over from the processing of more expensive teas like gyokuro and sencha. These tiny fragments pack a strong flavor, making konacha a popular choice for those who enjoy a robust cup of green tea.

From Tea Factory Floors to Your Cup

During the processing of high-quality teas, some leaves and buds inevitably break into smaller pieces. Instead of discarding these remnants, they are collected and marketed as konacha. This not only reduces waste but also provides a more affordable option for tea enthusiasts. Some key points about konacha include:

  • Cheaper than its counterparts like gyokuro and sencha
  • Strong flavor due to the small size of the leaves and buds
  • Often served at sushi restaurants

Sushi and Konacha: A Match Made in Culinary Heaven

Konacha is often served at sushi restaurants, and there’s a good reason for this pairing. The strong flavor of konacha complements the taste of sushi, cleansing the palate between bites and enhancing the overall dining experience. So the next time you’re enjoying a sushi meal, don’t be surprised if you’re offered a steaming cup of konacha to go along with it.

Demystifying the Marketing: Konacha vs. Matcha

While konacha and matcha may seem similar at first glance, they are actually quite different. Matcha is a finely ground powder made from shade-grown tea leaves, while konacha is composed of small tea leaves and buds from the processing of gyokuro and sencha. The main differences between the two are:

  • Matcha is a powder, while konacha consists of small leaves and buds
  • Matcha is made from shade-grown tea leaves, while konacha is a byproduct of gyokuro and sencha processing
  • Matcha has a more delicate flavor, while konacha boasts a strong taste

So, the next time you’re browsing the tea aisle or enjoying a sushi dinner, you’ll be well-equipped to appreciate the unique characteristics of konacha and its place in the world of green tea.

Mastering the Art of Konacha Brewing

Konacha, a strong and powerful Japanese green tea, is characterized by its dark, roasted flavor and thick, zingy astringency. This type of tea is made from the raw, processed leaves of senchasencha, a popular variety of Japanese ryokucha. With its unique taste and mouthfeel, konacha is perfect for those who crave a more intense green tea experience. Plus, it’s super useful for washing down the taste of raw fish while eating sushi!

Prepping Your Konacha Arsenal

Before diving into the world of konacha, make sure you have the following tools and ingredients on hand:

  • Konacha powder
  • A kyusu (a traditional Japanese teapot)
  • A teaspoon
  • Hot water (around 80°C or 176°F)

Step-by-Step Guide to Brewing the Perfect Cup

Now that you’re armed with the essentials, it’s time to unleash the full potential of konacha. Follow these steps to ensure a delightful cup:

1. Heat your water to around 80°C (176°F). Avoid using boiling water, as it can increase the bitterness of the tea.
2. Measure out 1 teaspoon of konacha powder per person and place it directly into the kyusu.
3. Pour 200 ml (about 6.8 fl oz) of hot water over the powder for each teaspoon used.
4. Wait for 30 seconds, allowing the tea to infuse and develop its flavor.
5. Serve the tea immediately, as the bitterness will be diminished and the tea acquires its characteristic flavor.

Pro Tips for Konacha Connoisseurs

To elevate your konacha experience, consider these expert tips:

  • Experiment with the amount of konacha powder and water to find the perfect balance for your taste buds.
  • Use high-quality konacha for a more enjoyable tea experience.
  • Pair konacha with sushi or other Japanese dishes to enhance the flavors of both the tea and the food.

Now that you’ve mastered the art of brewing konacha, you’re ready to impress your friends and family with your newfound tea expertise. Enjoy the bold, powerful taste of this unique Japanese green tea, and don’t forget to share the konacha love!

Tea Battle Royale: Konacha vs Funmatsucha vs Matcha

In the world of Japanese green teas, there are various types that offer unique flavors and experiences. Today, we’ll be focusing on three popular kinds: konacha, funmatsucha, and matcha. While they may seem similar, their differences lie in their processing, forms, and uses.

Round 1: Processing and Forms

Let’s break down how these teas are processed and the forms they take:


: Also known as “sushi bar tea,” konacha is a blend of small bits and pieces of leaves and buds from various tea species. It’s a byproduct of the processing of other teas like gyokuro and sencha. It’s commonly found in loose leaf form, making it easy to brew with a tea pot and strainer.


: This tea is made from the same leaves as matcha, but it’s milled using a machine instead of a traditional stone mill. The result is a finely ground powder that’s less expensive than matcha, but not as smooth or vibrant in color. Funmatsucha is often used as a cooking additive or mixed into confectionery.


: The star of the show, matcha is made from tencha leaves that are shade-grown, hand-picked, and stone-milled into a fine, vibrant green powder. It’s the most expensive of the three, but also the most versatile, as it can be used for drinking, cooking, and even as an instant tea.

Round 2: Brewing and Drinking

Now let’s compare how these teas are prepared and enjoyed:


: Simply pour hot water over the loose leaves and let it steep for a short time. The result is a strong, flavorful tea that’s perfect for sushi bars and casual drinking. It’s also an affordable option for those looking to enjoy a healthy green tea without breaking the bank.


: Similar to matcha, funmatsucha is mixed with hot water and whisked until it dissolves. However, it’s not as smooth or frothy as matcha, and is often used as a base for blended drinks or mixed into recipes for a green tea flavor boost.


: The traditional preparation involves whisking the powdered tea with hot water until it forms a smooth, frothy consistency. It’s a versatile tea that can be enjoyed in various forms, from a simple cup of hot tea to a matcha latte or even as an ingredient in cooking and baking.

Round 3: Price and Availability

When it comes to price and accessibility, each tea has its own advantages:


: This tea is the most affordable of the three, making it a popular choice for everyday drinking. It’s commonly found in sushi bars and Japanese restaurants, as well as in packaged tea bags or loose leaf form.


: While not as widely available as konacha or matcha, funmatsucha is still a more budget-friendly option compared to matcha. It’s often found in specialty tea shops or online retailers, and is typically sold in sterilized, vacuum-sealed packages.


: As the most expensive of the three, matcha is often reserved for special occasions or as a treat. It’s widely available in various forms, from traditional Uji matcha to instant stick packets with QR codes for easy preparation.

So, who wins the battle of konacha vs funmatsucha vs matcha? It all depends on your personal preferences, budget, and intended use. Each tea has its own unique qualities and benefits, so why not give them all a try and decide for yourself?


So, that’s konacha. It’s a type of Japanese green tea made from leftover tea leaves and buds, ground into a fine powder and served with hot water. It’s a great way to enjoy green tea without spending too much money.

You can use this information to make a better decision the next time you’re looking for a new tea to try.

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Joost Nusselder, the founder of Bite My Bun is a content marketer, dad and loves trying out new food with Japanese food at the heart of his passion, and together with his team he's been creating in-depth blog articles since 2016 to help loyal readers with recipes and cooking tips.