Can Cats & Dogs Eat Furikake? Read This Before You Do!
While it is alright for dogs and cats to eat dried seaweed, one of the main ingredients in furikake, there also is a lot of sugar and salt in the mix which aren’t good for your 4 legged companions to eat.
Dried seaweed can actually be quite healthy for both cats and dogs. It has a lot of protein, iodine, iron, and magnesium,. Plus it’s full of omega-3 acids.
Salt can be detrimental to your pets health. In fact, it used to be used as a way to make cats vomit if they ate something they shouldn’t have, but that’s no longer considered safe.

Sugar is also bad for their health as they have to get most of their diet from meat sources. A little sugar and carbs can be ok, but most say sugar should never make up more than 3% of their daily meals.
Plus both cats and dogs can’t even taste sweetness!
Although dried seaweed is fine for them to eat. Too much of it can be bad for them as well, so even if you feed them just nori, it still shouldn’t be more than 1/4 teaspoon for large dogs, 1/8 teaspoon of powdered seaweed for small dogs.
Sesame seeds aren’t great for your companions either, but are also safe for them to eat in moderation.
There also is some great dried fish in the furikake your cat will probably love so it’s a shame you can’t take out only some ingredients without them already having been tainted with sugar and salt from the mix.
All in all, if your pet has eaten a little bit of it, there’s probably nothing to worry about but contact your vet if it’s a little more.
the most important thing is that you don’t give them furikake as part of their daily routine.

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Read for freeConclusion
While there are a lot of health benefits in furikake for your pet, there’s also too much that isn’t good for them, so it’s best to stay away from it altogether.
Also read: can dogs eat ramen noodles or is it bad for them?
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Read for freeJoost Nusselder, the founder of Bite My Bun is a content marketer, dad and loves trying out new food with Japanese food at the heart of his passion, and together with his team he's been creating in-depth blog articles since 2016 to help loyal readers with recipes and cooking tips.