Can dogs eat ramen noodles? Yes, but skip the flavor packet!

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Ramen noodles are the go-to for many people, especially when you’re on the run, out for a hike, or not in the mood for cooking.

Perhaps you’re cooking your ramen, and you look down, only to see your 4-legged friend standing there with those puppy eyes you struggle to say “no”.

While there are homemade ramen noodles, you’re probably here because you’re wondering if you can give your dog those pre-packaged ramen noodles that come with a little flavor pack.

Can dogs eat ramen noodles? Yes, but skip the flavor packet!

The question is: can dogs eat ramen noodles? The quick answer is yes, as long as it’s only an occasional treat and cooked without the flavor packet.

Noodles are pasta, and not exactly the first thing that comes to mind when talking about dog-friendly foods. But pasta is one of those things that isn’t necessarily bad or good.

Ramen noodles are high in calories and contain plenty of carbs along with preservatives. However, the occasional noodle won’t hurt your pooch, so long as you don’t feed them too much human food.

Read more on Ramen vs pasta noodles: Differences in uses, nutrition & more

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Ramen noodles won’t harm your dog

There’s no good reason to feed your dog ramen noodles, as they contain little to no nutrients that are beneficial to dogs. But it’s unlikely to harm your dog if you absolutely feel the need to give them the occasional noodle.

Home-cooked ramen noodles are always going to be healthier, both for dogs and humans. And the fewer preservatives the noodles have, the less harmful they’ll be for your dog.

Nothing bad will happen if you come home to find your dog ate a pack of ramen noodles, or if you decided to feed them a little. But it shouldn’t be made a regular thing.

If you’re interested in seeing a dog eat organic ramen, then check out YouTube user Haru the Shiba Inu’s video:

Watch out for the flavor pack though

The issue with the little flavor pack that comes with instant ramen noodles is that it often contains onion and garlic.

Onion and garlic are known to be bad for dogs, especially in larger amounts, and should be avoided when possible.

If you want to give your dog a special treat, fish out some of the cooked noodles before you add the flavor pack. That way, you can both enjoy some delicious ramen noodles without putting your dog at risk.

In the case of your dog snatching a noodle pack and consuming the flavor pack as well, you might want to contact your veterinarian for advice. You should never feed your dog ramen noodle soup, as it can lead to not just weight gain, but other health problems, such as digestive problems, acid reflux, kidney failure, heart disease, or worse yet, an allergic reaction.

In case you were also wondering: Are ramen noodles vegan? Noodles are, but the soup might not be

It’s a treat, not a dietary staple

Ramen noodles should never be used to replace a nutritious meal for a dog, as dogs need nutrients that aren’t found in ramen noodles.

Instead, if you absolutely have to, use ramen noodles as occasional treats. But remember that treats should only make up about 10% of a dog’s daily food intake.

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Can puppies eat ramen noodles?

As a general rule, you want to be more careful with what you give a puppy, and this includes ramen noodles. The reason is not that it’s dangerous (it isn’t), but because puppies are known to have very sensitive stomachs.

You wouldn’t want to give your puppy a tummy ache or diarrhea. So perhaps it’s best to stick to only a couple of noodles if you want to give your furry friend a taste.

Read more: Can dogs eat chicharron or pork rinds?

What about raw ramen noodles?

While dogs can eat raw ramen noodles, we don’t suggest it for their diet. Raw ramen noodles consist of mainly wheat flour, which isn’t naturally found in dogs’ diets.

Also, the texture can be hard to digest. So if you don’t want to upset your dog’s tummy, don’t let your dogs eat raw ramen. It’ll be better for your dog’s health.

Ramen can be occasional dog treats

While ramen noodles should be fed in small quantities, they’re considered reasonably safe for dogs.

Make sure to feed homemade noodles or instant noodles without the flavor pack added, and refrain from replacing whole dog meals with ramen noodles. Dogs need nutrition, which ramen noodles cannot provide.

The next time your dog gives you the puppy eyes as you’re preparing your ramen noodles (or just before they expire), dangle one in front of your pup’s face to see what they do!

Read next: Can dogs eat miso paste? They can, but here’s why they shouldn’t

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Joost Nusselder, the founder of Bite My Bun is a content marketer, dad and loves trying out new food with Japanese food at the heart of his passion, and together with his team he's been creating in-depth blog articles since 2016 to help loyal readers with recipes and cooking tips.