Higonokami Pocket Knives: Discover the Fascinating History

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Higonokami knives are a traditional Japanese pocket knife with a unique design. They’re popular and widely used.

A pocket knife is a foldable knife with one or more blades that fit inside the handle that can still fit in a pocket.

Let’s take a closer look at the Higonokami knife and its history. Are you interested in learning more?

What is a Higonokami pocket knife

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What Makes Higonokami Knives So Great?

  • Higonokami knives (the best of these Japanese pocket knives reviewed here) are a traditional Japanese non-locking pocket knife designed in 1896.
  • They are characterized by their simple construction, lightweight design, and easy-to-use blade.
  • The blade is made of high-quality steel and is incredibly sharp, making it ideal for a variety of cutting tasks.
  • The handle is usually made of wood or metal and is a small, handy piece that is easy to carry and store.
  • The lack of a locking mechanism creates a delicate and handy tool that is excellent for everyday use.

The Features of Higonokami Knives

  • Higonokami knives come in a variety of sizes, from small to medium, making them ideal for a range of cutting tasks.
  • The blade tapers to a sharp point, providing excellent slicing and cutting capabilities.
  • The profile of the blade is typically flat, making it easy to sharpen and maintain.
  • The handle is usually attached to the blade with a screw, and the scales are made of wood or metal.
  • The blue or white sheet attached to the blade plays an important role in providing a clean edge and protecting the blade during storage.

The Fascinating Etymology of Higonokami Japanese Pocket Knives

The name Higonokami is derived from the combination of two Japanese words: Higo no Kami, which translates to “Lord of Higo.” Higo was a region in Japan, and the title of “Lord” was an honorary one given to samurai who served there. The kanji characters used to write Higonokami are “肥後守,” which literally means “protector of Higo.”

The Historical Significance of Higonokami Knives

Higonokami knives have a rich history that dates back to the late 19th century. During this time, the samurai era was coming to an end, and the demand for swords was declining. As a result, many blacksmiths turned to making knives instead. Higonokami knives were created in the traditional Japanese style, using ancient techniques and legendary blades.

The Influence of Western Culture on Higonokami Knives

Although Higonokami knives are deeply rooted in Japanese tradition, they also have a Western influence. During the Meiji era, Japan opened its doors to the rest of the world, and Western culture began to influence Japanese society. This influence can be seen in the construction of Higonokami knives, particularly in the handle. Unlike traditional Japanese knives, which have a hollow handle, Higonokami knives have a solid handle.

The Result of a Solid and Dependable Pocket Knife

The combination of traditional Japanese techniques and Western influence has resulted in a pocket knife that is both solid and dependable. Higonokami knives are known for their sharpness and durability, and they have remained popular in Japan for over a century. Today, Higonokami knives are used by people all over the world, and they continue to be a symbol of Japanese craftsmanship and tradition.

Why Higonokami Knives are the Ultimate Handy Tool for Any Task

The design and construction of Higonokami knives make them a solid and reliable tool for any task. Here are some benefits of the Higonokami knife:

  • The blade is made of high-quality steel, ensuring a sharp edge for cutting
  • The handle is made of sturdy materials such as brass or steel
  • The knife is small and compact, making it easy to carry in your pocket or on your neck
  • The non-locking blade design allows for quick and easy opening in seconds
  • The knife comes with a leather or black case for safe and easy storage

History and Versions of Higonokami Knives

Higonokami knives have a legendary history in Japanese cutlery. Here are some interesting facts about Higonokami knives:

  • The Higonokami knife was designed in 1896 in Japan
  • The name “Higonokami” comes from the name of a local blacksmith in the Miki city area
  • There are many different versions of the Higonokami knife, including the Higonokami No. 2 and the Western-style Higonokami knife
  • The Higonokami knife is a popular gear among knife enthusiasts and collectors
  • The Higonokami knife is limited in size and measure, with the blade length usually around 3 inches

Sharpening and Holding a Higonokami Knife

To get the most out of your Higonokami knife, it’s important to know how to sharpen and hold it properly. Here are some tips:

  • Use an electric sharpener or sharpening stone to keep the blade sharp
  • Hold the knife with your hand wrapped around the handle and your index finger on the spine of the blade
  • Use a straight cutting motion for most tasks
  • For food-related tasks, use a rocking motion to slice through the food
  • Be careful when using the point of the blade, as it can be sharp and dangerous

Related Knives and Tools

If you love the Higonokami knife, you may also be interested in these related knives and tools:

  • The bōchō, a Japanese kitchen knife used for cutting and chopping food
  • Daggers, a type of knife used for stabbing and thrusting
  • The drop point knife, a versatile knife with a curved blade for a variety of tasks
  • The entire line of Higonokami knives, each with their own unique design and function
  • A desk knife, a small knife designed for use on a desk or table

Breaking Down the Parts of a Higonokami Knife

The blade is the most important part of any knife, and the Higonokami is no exception. Here are some key points about the blade of a Higonokami knife:

  • The blade is made of high-quality steel, which is why it is so sharp and durable.
  • The blade is available in a variety of sizes, from small to large, depending on the intended use.
  • The blade is easy to sharpen, making it a popular choice for people who use their knives frequently.
  • The blade lacks a locking mechanism, which adds to its traditional character and makes it more affordable.

The Handle: Where Form Meets Function

The handle of a Higonokami knife is just as important as the blade. Here’s what you need to know about the handle:

  • The handle is made of metal and is available in a variety of shapes and sizes, depending on the size of the blade.
  • The handle is referred to as the chikiri, and it is the part of the knife where the blade is placed when closed.
  • The handle is designed for easy carrying, making it a great choice for people who need a small, easy-to-carry knife.
  • The handle lacks a locking mechanism, which adds to its traditional character and makes it more affordable.

The Chikiri: The Third Primary Part

The chikiri is the third primary part of a Higonokami knife, and it is often overlooked. Here’s what you need to know about the chikiri:

  • The chikiri is the part of the handle where the blade is placed when closed.
  • The chikiri is available in a variety of sizes, depending on the size of the blade.
  • The chikiri lacks a locking mechanism, which adds to the knife’s traditional character and makes it more affordable.

The Kanji: Adding Character to the Knife

One of the reasons people buy Higonokami knives is for their unique character. Here’s what you need to know about the kanji on a Higonokami knife:

  • The kanji is a Japanese writing system that is used to add character to the knife.
  • The kanji on a Higonokami knife usually indicates the name of the maker or the forge where the knife was produced.
  • The kanji is often polished to make it stand out, adding to the knife’s overall finish.

The Differences: Choosing the Right Knife

There are many different types of Higonokami knives available, and it can be difficult to choose the right one. Here are some differences to consider:

  • The size of the blade: Depending on your needs, you may want a smaller or larger blade.
  • The finish: Some knives have a super fine finish, while others are slightly cheaper.
  • The kanji: Depending on your preference, you may want a knife with a lot of kanji or one with very little.
  • The presence of a locking mechanism: If safety is a concern, you may want a knife with a locking mechanism.
  • The price: Higonokami knives are available at a variety of price points, so choose one that fits your budget.

What Makes Higonokami Pocket Knives Stand Out?

  • The Higonokami pocket knife features a hand-forged carbon steel blade that is sharp and effective in cutting and carving.
  • The handle is usually made of brass or stainless steel, creating a simple yet traditional style.
  • The knife is lightweight and small, making it an ideal tool for everyday use and easy to carry in your pocket.
  • The typical design of the Higonokami knife has a screw attached to the base, which creates a hinge that allows the blade to fold into the handle.
  • A small latch is fitted to the handle to secure the blade when it is folded, providing a safe and secure way to carry the knife.

Features and Uses

  • The Higonokami knife is an excellent tool for quick and easy cuts, making it a handy tool for work or electricians.
  • The knife is commonly used for delicate carving and slicing tasks, and its small size makes it an ideal tool for intricate work.
  • Sharpening the Higonokami knife is not difficult, and the blade’s material plays an important role in providing a sharp edge.
  • The knife’s primary role is to cut, and it is an effective tool for providing clean and precise cuts.
  • The Higonokami knife is considered a piece of Japanese history and is commonly called the “Chikiri” knife, which means “to open easily.”

Price and Availability

  • The Higonokami knife is a traditional Japanese pocket knife that is commonly found in Japan.
  • The knife’s price varies depending on the type of steel used, the size, and the design.
  • Some Higonokami knives come with white or blue steel blades, which are considered more expensive than the carbon steel blades.
  • The knife’s price is usually affordable, making it an excellent everyday tool for those who appreciate traditional Japanese designs.

Exploring the Variety of Higonokami Knives

The typical Higonokami knife is a simple tool that incorporates a unique locking mechanism. It has a short, lightweight blade and a handle made of metal or carbon. The blade is usually made of blue or white steel, which creates a sharp edge that is ideal for cutting and slicing. The handle is made of two scales that are attached to the blade with a screw. The design is traditional and dates back to the time when Japanese sword makers started to produce small pocket knives for their customers. The Higonokami brand is one of the most renowned brands that produce this type of knife.

Cleaning and Sharpening Higonokami Knives

Keeping a Higonokami knife clean and sharp is important for its longevity and performance. To clean a Higonokami knife, simply wipe it down with a damp cloth and dry it thoroughly. To sharpen a Higonokami knife, use a sharpening stone or a honing rod to create a sharp edge.

Why Higonokami is the Perfect Everyday Carry Knife

The Higonokami knife is a small and lightweight tool that is easy to carry in your pocket. Its simple design makes it an ideal everyday carry (EDC) knife. The blade is made of hard steel that is sharp and durable, making it excellent for cutting and slicing. The handle is usually made of a single piece of metal, which tapers towards the end, creating a profile that is easy to hold and use.

The Locking Mechanism

One of the most important features of the Higonokami knife is its locking mechanism. The Chikiri lever, which is integrated into the blade, creates a friction lock that keeps the blade securely in place when it is open. This means that you can use the knife with confidence, knowing that it will not accidentally close on your fingers.

The Size and Weight

The Higonokami knife is a small and lightweight tool that is easy to carry in your pocket. Its compact size makes it an excellent choice for everyday carry, as it takes up very little space and is not too heavy to carry around all day.

The Sharpness and Cutting Ability

The Higonokami knife is known for its sharpness and cutting ability. The hard steel blade is excellent for slicing through all kinds of materials, from paper and cardboard to wood and metal. The knife is also easy to sharpen, which means that you can keep it in top condition with just a little bit of time and effort.

The Traditional Japanese Construction

The Higonokami knife is a traditional Japanese pocket knife that dates back to 1896. It is still commonly produced in Japan today, using the same basic construction and design that has been used for over a century. This means that you can be sure that you are getting a high-quality product that has stood the test of time.

The Handy Tool for Different Uses

The Higonokami knife is an excellent tool for a wide range of everyday uses. It is commonly used for cutting and slicing, but it can also be used for other tasks, such as opening packages, sharpening pencils, and even cleaning your nails. Its compact size and lightweight construction make it an ideal tool to have on hand whenever you need it.

The Easy Maintenance

The Higonokami knife is easy to clean and maintain. The blade can be quickly wiped clean with a cloth, and the metal handle can be polished to keep it looking shiny and new. The lack of complex moving parts means that there is very little that can go wrong with the knife, making it a reliable tool that you can count on for years to come.

Keeping Your Higonokami Sharp: A Guide to Sharpening Japanese Pocket Knives

Keeping your Higonokami knife sharp is essential for maintaining its functionality and longevity. A dull knife not only makes cutting tasks more difficult but also increases the risk of accidents. Sharpening your knife regularly will ensure that it remains sharp and ready for use whenever you need it.

How to Sharpen Your Higonokami Knife

Sharpening a Japanese pocket knife like the Higonokami requires some skill and patience. Here are some steps to follow:

1. Choose the right sharpening tool: You can use a sharpening stone or a honing rod to sharpen your Higonokami knife. A sharpening stone is the most effective tool for sharpening, but a honing rod is more convenient for quick touch-ups.

2. Determine the angle: The angle at which you sharpen your knife depends on the type of blade. For a Higonokami knife, the angle should be around 15-20 degrees.

3. Start sharpening: Hold the knife at the correct angle and move it back and forth across the sharpening tool. Use light pressure and maintain a consistent angle throughout the process.

4. Test the blade: After sharpening, test the blade’s sharpness by slicing through a piece of paper or a tomato. If it cuts smoothly, then your knife is sharp.

Tips for Maintaining Your Higonokami Knife

In addition to regular sharpening, there are a few things you can do to keep your Higonokami knife in top condition:

  • Clean your knife after each use to prevent rust and corrosion.
  • Store your knife in a dry place to avoid moisture damage.
  • Oil the blade and pivot regularly to keep the knife functioning smoothly.
  • Avoid using your knife for tasks it’s not designed for, such as prying or chopping.

By following these tips and sharpening your Higonokami knife regularly, you can ensure that it remains a reliable tool for years to come.


So there you have it- everything you need to know about Higonokami Japanese pocket knives. They’re a great tool, and a piece of Japanese culture, and you should consider getting one if you need a reliable knife.

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Joost Nusselder, the founder of Bite My Bun is a content marketer, dad and loves trying out new food with Japanese food at the heart of his passion, and together with his team he's been creating in-depth blog articles since 2016 to help loyal readers with recipes and cooking tips.