Pinoy style Pork Afritada Recipe (Filipino Original)
With Filipinos’ penchant for anything tasty, you can be sure that Filipinos can create a plethora of variations from alone, basic recipe. This is proven by Pork Afritada recipe.
Another product of the colonization, the recipe for Pork Afritada is similar to many others such as Menudo in that aside from the same basic ingredient which is Tomato Sauce.

Pork Afritada shares the same carrots, peas, potatoes, and red and green bell peppers as with the others.
Because of its savory taste, Pork Afritada is usually served in Philippine fiestas and parties with the number of people it could feed and with its taste.
However, though it may be a holiday fare, this recipe is very easy to cook dish, and the ingredients are also very easy to acquire.

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Pork afritada recipe (pinoy original)
- 1 kg Pork shoulders cut into chunks
- 200 gr Pork liver cut into cubes
- 1 bulb Garlic crushed and chopped
- 2 Onions cut
- 2 Tomatoes cut
- 1 Carrot cubed
- 1 Potatoe cubed
- ½ Bell pepper cut
- ⅓ cup Tomato sauce
- 1 cup Water
- 1 tbsp Fish sauce (Optional)
- Salt and pepper, to season
- 3 tbsp Cooking oil
- Put oil in a heated pan.
- Saute the garlic under medium heat.
- When the garlic turns golden, put in the onions.
- When the onions sweat and wilt, put in the pork.
- Cook the pork for 20-30 minutes. Season the pork with 1 tbsp fish sauce.
- Put in the tomatoes. Stir well.
- Add in the pork liver. Stir for 2-3 minutes.
- Just when the liver changes color, put in the water and the tomato sauce.
- Add in the carrots and potatoes.
- Lower the heat.
- Cover the pan. Let it simmer for 20 minutes to allow the meat to tenderize.
- Stir occasionally (every 10 minutes, or so) to prevent burning the bottom of the pan.
- When the meat is tender enough, season with additional fish sauce, salt, and pepper.
- Add in the bell peppers.
- Turn off after 3-5 minutes.
- Serve with hot rice.
Pork Afritada Recipe Preparation Tip
In getting the Pork, you can choose the meatiest parts such as the flank or the tenderloin so that it will get the most coverage from the tomato sauce.
The potatoes act as extenders while the carrots provide the crunch since potatoes would tend to just blend itself into the taste of the dish.

The bell peppers, on the other hand, grounds the taste of the entire dish with its hint of spice as well as crunch.
Since the pork itself is already tender, you might want to put the vegetables last as it has the tendency to be very soft if put into the mix too soon.
However, if you like it to be as soft as the pork, then go ahead.
Rice will be the forever partner of the Pork Afritada recipe as the rice will seep the excess fat and sauce of this delicious dish.
Eat with moderation though as you don’t want to pack carbs because of having another cupful (or two) of rice.

Aside from this Pork Afritada Recipe, You can also try our Chicken Afritada recipe which is also posted here on our website. See This Chicken Afritada Recipe.
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Read for freeJoost Nusselder, the founder of Bite My Bun is a content marketer, dad and loves trying out new food with Japanese food at the heart of his passion, and together with his team he's been creating in-depth blog articles since 2016 to help loyal readers with recipes and cooking tips.