Sinugno Recipe (Grilled Tilapia in Coconut Milk)

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Tilapia is one of those many fish species that just oozes with flavor whenever it is grilled; what with its fragrant aroma and tenderness.

Add this thought with stewing this grilled Tilapia into coconut milk and you’re in for a treat. Sinugno recipe is simply that; grilled Tilapia in coconut milk stew.

It is, on the one hand, tasty and nutritious.

Sinugno Recipe (Grilled Tilapia in Coconut Milk)

It is not surprising that the Sinugno recipe came from Quezon province, as the province is known for its coconuts and coconut by-products.

Looking at the recipe, it could be said that the ingredients and the preparation are very similar to Sinanglay, another Tilapia recipe.

However, there is no need to stuff the tilapia this time as one will have to grill the tilapia.

If you don’t want to go to the trouble of going outside the house and grilling, an alternative is to broil the fish.

You risk not having that smokey taste to the Tilapia, so, broil at your own risk.

Also read: if you like coconut, you should learn how to cook this sugary Binatog snack

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Sinugno Recipe Preparation

Method 1 (Cooking and Serving)

  • Once you’re done the grilling, you can start with stewing the coconut milk and dropping the grilled tilapia.
  • As for the vegetables, you can use mustard leaves. If inaccessible, however, you can use pechay instead.
  • You can add more mustard leaves or pechay as you want since the vegetable will provide the crunch for this recipe. It will also add to its nutritional value. Lastly, the seasonings for the sinugno recipe include pepper, salt, garlic, onion and ginger with the ginger as the most important among all of these as it will provide the zing for the admittedly hearty coconut milk.
  • Lastly, the seasonings for the sinugno recipe include pepper, salt, garlic, onion and ginger with the ginger as the most important among all of these as it will provide the zing for the admittedly hearty coconut milk.
  • Upon serving, you can garnish (or mix) chopped red chilies or finger chilies onto the dish for an added layer of flavor. You also have a choice of having patis (fish sauce) or bagoong isda (fish paste) as a dip.

Complete / Full Recipe


Sinugno recipe (grilled tilapia in coconut milk)

Joost Nusselder
Sinugno recipe is simply that; grilled Tilapia in coconut milk stew. It is, on the one hand, tasty and nutritious.
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Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Filipino
Servings 3 people
Calories 541 kcal


  • 3 Tilapia
  • 2 cups coconut cream
  • 1 cups coconut milk Or you can use canned coconut milk if fresh is not available
  • 1 bunch Pechay (or mustard leaves)
  • 1 onion chopped
  • 1 thumb ginger sliced
  • 1 tsp fish sauce
  • Salt to taste


  • Rub salt all over tilapia and grill until almost done. Set aside.
  • In a pan, sauté onion and ginger until onion becomes translucent.
  • Pour coconut cream and bring to a boil.
  • Simmer until sauce has thickened.
  • Add pechay (or mustard leaves) then simmer till the leaves are cooked.
  • Season with salt.
  • Serve with steamed rice on the side.



Calories: 541kcal
Keyword Coconut, Fish, seafood
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Sinugno Tilapia

Also read: Ginataang Tilapia recipe (Fish in coconut sauce)

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Joost Nusselder, the founder of Bite My Bun is a content marketer, dad and loves trying out new food with Japanese food at the heart of his passion, and together with his team he's been creating in-depth blog articles since 2016 to help loyal readers with recipes and cooking tips.