Ramen for an upset stomach: Will eating it help me feel better?
An upset stomach is something everyone has experienced at some point in their life. And when this happens, you typically want to find a way to soothe it.
The first thing you may think to try is eating something. But what will help you with your upset stomach?
For example, is ramen for an upset stomach good?

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Read for freeUnhealthy and unhelpful
In short, no. Unless you’re suffering from a sodium deficiency, it’s very unlikely that eating ramen is going to help your stomach feel any better.
With the number of carbs that are packed into ramen, it’s far more likely that it’ll either make you feel worse or will cause you to puke it back up.
Whether it’s upset due to a virus, food poisoning, or any other reason, your stomach needs time to recover. And heavy foods won’t help with that!
Not even the rice noodles in a bowl of pho will help your stomach. You’re better off just sticking with clear liquids and easily digestible foods until your stomach feels better.
If you need something liquid to calm your stomach, try this soup recipe from YouTube user LifeReleased:
Some other great alternatives to try include chicken noodle soup, vegetable broth, tomato basil soup, coconut curry soup, butternut squash soup, and harvest vegetable soup. Put some white rice in for additional calories if needed.
Of course, not all will work for an upset stomach, so to be nice to your digestive tract, you should start off small and see if it helps.
Avoid eating and drinking processed foods as well, as these will have no nutritional value. Greasy foods will also exacerbate your condition, so avoid those too.
Save ramen for later
Save the ramen for when you’re feeling better and can keep food down, as it isn’t going to help your stomach pain while it’s recovering from whatever made you feel sick. In the meantime, rest up!
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Read for freeJoost Nusselder, the founder of Bite My Bun is a content marketer, dad and loves trying out new food with Japanese food at the heart of his passion, and together with his team he's been creating in-depth blog articles since 2016 to help loyal readers with recipes and cooking tips.